Air Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

If you can share a room at your home, why not sharing a great meal you have just cooked? Covid isolation turned so many people to a cooking master! Missing eating out with your colleges? Meet a new friend and maybe even Cooking together!
E-mail us now to regsiter you as a host. We bring you guest from near or far away, you join the meal and a magic moment together ;)

World-wide & Digital in the Metaverse


We open 24/7, YES! 

Restaurant 3.0

Eat, Share and Fun!

Eat in the Web 3.0 way

Tired of queing in front of a restaurant? Forget about take away. Eat with a local! Home-made is so much better than in a restaurant, even though it's not cooked by a professional!

Try local special

You can find breakfast, lunch and dinner when you are registered as a member. The concept is simple, if you can share a bed via AirBnB, why not share a meal via AirBnLnD?

Start sharing, start earning, start cooking, start by registering now!
  • breakfast
  • lunch 
  • dinner 

Share and find

Join us today by @ to: (yes, it works!)

Tell us about you and what you suggest about this idea, first 100 members free of charge, registration form online coming soon

It's East, Tasty and Fun!

Startup Lunch (2 hours) 🇺🇸


300 USD or 100 YES coin, /p/l

book now

Yoga Breakfast (1,5 hours) 🇯🇵

悠然的健康早餐, 东京时间7:30,精美营养的早餐后开始一小时的瑜伽课程,伸出你的左手,把五指插入你的右脚指。。。好,开始。。。


+ 333 USD OR 111 YES COIN, 12 Yoga online course included (Chinese Spring Festival offer till Beijing Winter Olympic Game is over)

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Metaverse Bio Tech Lunch (1 hour) 🇨🇭

Rachel Yang 的 Bio Tech 午餐当然不能错过!

150 USD OR 50 YES COIN, /P/L

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Aliens Dinner (4 hours) 🇩🇪

Octoberfest不是只在秋天呦! 在HaHa的流浪星球还是龙门客栈,如果你是外星人,带着你的故事,吃着德国香肠和肘子喝着兑了芬达或不兑芬达的🍺,听HaHa朗读首部Cloubhouse巨作 "一个人的宇宙"。


+ 18 USD OR 6 YES COIN, Signed book included! (Save 40%)

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